Kolekce Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition vyšla na PC i konzolích už před třema lety – v listopadu 2021. Uteklo to. Loni v prosinci pak dorazila také na iOS a Android. Pravdou ovšem je, že původní start balíčku snad ani nemohl dopadnout hůře. Legendární trojice her byla v podání studia Grove Street Games spíš zmrzačena než vylepšena. Od té doby se dočkala několika updatů, ale až teď to vypadá, že jsme se dočkali skutečně významného upgradu, který řadu nešvarů vrací do podoby, jak si ji fanoušci pamatují z originálu.
Verze pro současné konzole a PC se dočkala velkého patche. Vydavatel stručně láká na nové nasvícení, které se už dříve objevilo v mobilní verzi, ale změn je ve skutečnosti mnohem víc. Jen namátkou stojí za zmínku nové efekty počasí včetně deště, návrat oparu a mlhy, která chytře záměrně omezovala dohlednost, opravené animace a modely postav, lepší světlo, stíny, mraky, oheň a spoustu dalších maličkostí. Obecně vzato, lze prohlásit, že se definitivní edice zbavuje podivností, s nimiž přišla, a vrací se k původní estetice a zvyklostem.
Zejména zmíněné nasvícení, barevná paleta a opravené animace se starají o tom, že definitivní edice rázem vypadá tak, jak si původní hry opravdu pamatujeme. Miluju původní stylizaci Vice City i San Andreas a v remasterech jsme ji brutálně postrádali. Potěší i funkční vylepšení. Hráči mohou při použití některých zbraní běhat a mířit současně. Filmečky lze konečně pozastavit.
Zdroj: Rockstar
Za zmínku rovněž stojí skutečnost, že společnost Rockstar Games odstranila z úvodu logo Grove Street Games. Možná jde tak současně o náznak, že původní autoři remasterů se už na dalších opravách nepodíleli. Ostatně už s mobilní verzí pro Netflix, jejíž start se povedl výrazně lépe, pomáhalo australské studio Video Games Deluxe.
Vřele vám doporučuji projít si konkrétní příklady vylepšení, jak je zachytili fanoušci.
1) Classic Lighting
All three titles of the Trilogy have received a „Classic Lighting“ setting that completely transforms each game’s visuals to resemble the originals more faithfully.
San Andreas’s Los Santos has that orange haze back now, The Desert got it’s purple sky look… pic.twitter.com/yrbIL3nqJv
— Synth Potato
(@SynthPotato) November 12, 2024
Grove Street Games has been completely WIPED from the GTA Trilogy credits at start-up
Seems like Rockstar is completely distancing themselves from that studio, hope we see even more updates to fix this edition permanently pic.twitter.com/Vgzlwyn3N2
— Synth Potato
(@SynthPotato) November 12, 2024
This has restored the gigantic feeling of these games‘ maps.
GTA 3, Vice City and MOST IMPORTANTLY, SAN ANDREAS all now have volumetric fog effects making a return!
This means that you can no longer see the entire map of GTA San Andreas by just standing in a… pic.twitter.com/fLm8QAWnKa
— Synth Potato
(@SynthPotato) November 12, 2024
You can actually run around GTA3 and Vice City DE with shotguns assault rifles and the flame throwers and shoot at the same time in the new GTA DE Patch
Both in the previous version and classic GTA3 and VC this wasn’t possible. pic.twitter.com/RxNjP37PFv
— Besk (@BeskInfinity) November 12, 2024
This is my favorite comparison actually GTA SA DE release version VS today after the Patch pic.twitter.com/uVU4l0kngP
— Besk (@BeskInfinity) November 12, 2024
GTA SA Defintive Edition after the New Patch
Left old Right New pic.twitter.com/kxBij35K4z— Besk (@BeskInfinity) November 12, 2024
4) Combat Changes
You can now use shotguns and ARs while running around in GTA 3 and Vice City, this is a new mechanic that was not available in the original versions nor definitive editions yet a welcome QoL improvement.
Huge credit to @BeskInfinity for this footage pic.twitter.com/EosxzWpyyo
— Synth Potato
(@SynthPotato) November 12, 2024
5) Characters are (mostly) FIXED
GTA DE had a massive issue of bodies being contorted in messed up ways especially CJ who looked like a goblin when riding a bicycle.
Character skeletons have been finally fixed. though the models themselves haven’t been changed much and remain a… pic.twitter.com/T7QuisIe95
— Synth Potato
(@SynthPotato) November 12, 2024
6) Parallax Interiors are GONE
One of the GTA DE’s more interesting additions were 3D interiors that you could see from outside buildings, while great on paper (and actually in GTA 6) it was a mess here.
Most of the time, the percieved interior from outside had nothing to do… pic.twitter.com/ULFah5RsLX
— Synth Potato
(@SynthPotato) November 12, 2024
7) Crouching is fixed
CJ’s crouching stance was horrific pre-patch, he looked completely deformed.
this has now been fixed and he looks normal once again!
BEFORE VS AFTER pic.twitter.com/9sy3bVwmFY
— Synth Potato
(@SynthPotato) November 12, 2024
8) Different weathers are actually different
in San Andreas, there are many different weathers outside of just rain/sunny from the original game and they all looked completely different depending on which county/city you were at, this was completely broken in the Definitive… pic.twitter.com/1l672oxXC7
— Synth Potato
(@SynthPotato) November 12, 2024
9) You can now pause in cut scenes
A Tiny Quality of Life change, you can now pause during cut scenes in all three games of the Trilogy.
No more being forced to watch them or skipping! pic.twitter.com/EksAlYf2by
— Synth Potato
(@SynthPotato) November 12, 2024
10) Fly through clouds
One of classic GTA San Andreas’s coolest features is that you could fly through clouds and that is now FINALLY back!
It works almost identically to how it did in the original game, the definitive edition of San Andreas genuinely looks good now. pic.twitter.com/T0iUXX5Voa
— Synth Potato
(@SynthPotato) November 12, 2024
GTA San Andreas Definitive Edition is no longer the worst remaster ever, looks quite good actually!
Can’t believe I posted about it just ten days ago and now it’s finally fixed https://t.co/vNuRM3whkM pic.twitter.com/ZNcJwSZbyt
— Synth Potato
(@SynthPotato) November 13, 2024
Rain in the GTA San Andreas Definitive Edition looks INSANELY better after the new patch
Before vs After: pic.twitter.com/piSs1NhQmj
— Synth Potato
(@SynthPotato) November 12, 2024
Grove Street Games has been completely WIPED from the GTA Trilogy credits at start-up
Seems like Rockstar is completely distancing themselves from that studio, hope we see even more updates to fix this edition permanently pic.twitter.com/Vgzlwyn3N2
— Synth Potato
(@SynthPotato) November 12, 2024
Completely new fire and glass breaking effects in the GTA Trilogy DE New Patch across all games and also extra bloom and flare to make it look nice. pic.twitter.com/jXXmSwYTCr
— Besk (@BeskInfinity) November 12, 2024
Pro přidávání komentářů se musíte nejdříve přihlásit.
Jediné na čo aj ja frflem je, že to trvalo Rockstaru, respektíve Grove Street Games (ktorí asi už nie sú) až 3 roky od vydania.